pio system prune
pio system prune
Remove unused data:
cached API requests
cached package downloads
temporary data
unnecessary core packages
unnecessary development platform packages.
If you have a custom package in packages_dir folder
and would like to skip it from “prune process”, please add empty .piokeep
to the root of a package folder.
- --force, -f
Do not prompt for confirmation.
- --dry-run
Do not prune, only show data that will be removed.
- --cache
Prune only cached data.
- --core-packages
Prune only unnecessary core packages.
- --platform-packages
Prune only unnecessary development platform packages.
> pio system prune
Prune cached data:
- cached API requests
- cached package downloads
- temporary data
Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y
Space on disk: 2.34MB
Prune unnecessary core packages:
Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y
Space on disk: 0B
Prune unnecessary development platform packages:
Package Version Size
-------------------------------------- ------------ --------
platformio/framework-stm32cube 2.0.200813 458.88MB
platformio/framework-arduinosam 4.4.191002 290.35MB
platformio/framework-arduino-samd 1.8.9 17.59MB
platformio/framework-arduinonordicnrf5 1.600.190830 4.70MB
Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y
Tool Manager: Removing framework-arduino-samd @ 1.8.9
Tool Manager: framework-arduino-samd @ 1.8.9 has been removed!
Tool Manager: Removing framework-arduinonordicnrf5 @ 1.600.190830
Tool Manager: framework-arduinonordicnrf5 @ 1.600.190830 has been removed!
Tool Manager: Removing framework-arduinosam @ 4.4.191002
Tool Manager: framework-arduinosam @ 4.4.191002 has been removed!
Tool Manager: Removing framework-stm32cube @ 2.0.200813
Tool Manager: framework-stm32cube @ 2.0.200813 has been removed!
Space on disk: 771.52MB
Total reclaimed space: 773.86MB