Custom options in platformio.ini
PlatformIO allows you extending project configuration with own data.
Custom options have to start with custom_
or board_
to not generate a warning that
the unknown configuration option will be ignored by PlatformIO.
You can read these values later using ProjectConfig API:
ProjectConfig::get(section, option, default=None)
:Get an option value for the named section
:Returns a list of the sections available
ProjectConfig::items(section, as_dict=False)
:Returns a list of “name”, “value” pairs for the options in the given section or a dictionary when
is passedProjectConfig::has_section(section)
:Indicates whether the named section is present in the configuration
ProjectConfig::has_option(section, option)
:If the given section exists, and contains the given option, returns
; otherwise returnsFalse
PlatformIO’s “ProjectConfig” is compatible with a native Python’s ConfigParser API.
hello = world
platform = ...
extra_scripts =
custom_option1 = value1
custom_option2 = value2
# "env.GetProjectOption" shortcut for the active environment
value1 = env.GetProjectOption("custom_option1")
value2 = env.GetProjectOption("custom_option2")
# Read value from other environments
config = env.GetProjectConfig()
world = config.get("universe", "hello")